DTV Exchange LLC
Professionalism. Excellence. Timeliness.

DTV Exchange LLC started in 2003 when HDTV was being introduced to the consumer. We realized there was a need to get a great looking signal to cable head ends in out lying areas and other service providers.​ We designed the RX-1000 to receive a HDTV signal and convert it to analog NTSC for distribution.
At that time HDTV transmitters were not on the air 24/7, so we designed an analog NTSC signal input with a bypass relay, that would switch to the HDTV signal when the HDTV transmitter was on the air and automatically switch back to the original NTSC signal when the HDTV went off the air.
Then the RX-2000 was designed to provide an analog NTSC and a DVB-ASI signal simultaneously. This provided both signals for distribution. An analog signal for the analog side of a system provider network and the DVB-ASI signal for distribution in HDTV.
Now we have created the compact DTV-R3000 with a web control interface. Each unit receives the ATSC 1.0 broadcast signal and provides at DVB-ASI signal that has the TV station main channel and all their sub-channels for distribution. Providers can cherry pick which signals they want to pass on to the consumers on their systems.
The DTV-R3000 has a valuable use in the low power TV translator market and has a fault relay contact closure connector on the rear.
Whether it be a large construction job, a small installation, electronic product design or equipment sales. For more information or general inquiries, get in touch today.